Top 5 Best team compositions for Eula in Genshin Impact After 3.8 Update

The highly anticipated 3.8 update of Genshin Impact has arrived with lots of exciting new things for players to explore. Fans have been eagerly waiting for this update, which brings new adventures and challenging tasks suitable for players of different skill levels. This extensive upgrade introduces many new characters, quests, and events that make the gameplay experience even more exciting.

Eula remains a strong and powerful character in the latest 3.8 update of Genshin Impact. While Eula didn’t receive any direct improvements, she is still a force to be reckoned with. Players can try different team combinations to make her even better. This update includes changes and improvements that allow players to make Eula’s skills even stronger and unlock her full potential in tough fights.

Related: Top 5 best team compositions for Kaedehara Kazuha in Genshin Impact 

Best team comps for Eula in Genshin Impact

5. Eula – Nahida – Yelan – Kuki Shinobu

The strong team of Eula, Nahida, Yelan, and Kuki Shinobu work together really well to make Eula even better. Eula is really good at using her icy sword to do a lot of damage in Genshin Impact. Nahida has wind powers that help control groups of enemies and make them weaker, which makes Eula’s attacks even stronger. Yelan is a fire character who works with Eula’s icy powers to make really strong attacks with elemental damage.

Kuki Shinobu is an amazing character who uses electricity. She makes Eula’s abilities even better. When she uses her powers, it weakens the enemies’ resistance to physical attacks. This allows Eula to do even stronger sword attacks. Also, this great team knows how to control the enemies, use different elements, and make the enemies weaker. With Nahida’s excellent control over wind, Yelan’s impressive fire attacks, and Kuki Shinobu’s important electric support, Eula becomes really strong and can’t be stopped in battles.

Team roles: Eula as main DPS, Nahida for healing and shield support, Yelan for Elemental reactions, and Kuki Shinobu for additional DPS and utility.

4. Eula – Lisa – Rosaria – Mika

The team in Genshin Impact with Eula, Lisa, Rosaria, and Mika is really good for Eula and makes her abilities even better. This special combination also helps support the team. When Lisa, who has electricity powers, does her attacks, it weakens the enemies’ resistance to physical damage. This makes Eula’s already strong attacks even stronger and makes her a really tough opponent. Also, Rosaria’s icy powers work well with Eula’s skills and make their attacks even more powerful. This makes Eula do a lot more damage and confirms her as a strong character in the game.

Mika is a character who can control the wind and it’s really important in the team because he can control the enemies. This helps Eula attack them all at once and do a lot of damage. With the help of Lisa’s electric support, Rosaria’s icy powers, and Mika’s control over the elements, Eula becomes really strong and can’t be stopped in battles. This team is well-balanced and combines different powers and strategies to make Eula really powerful.

Team roles: Eula and Rosaria for DPS, Lisa for Electro support, and Mika for healing as a well-rounded team composition.

3. Eula – Mika – Jean – Yun Jin

Eula, Mika, Jean, and Yun Jin make a strong team in Genshin Impact. Eula is really good at using her icy sword to do a lot of damage. Mika has wind powers that help control and handle groups of enemies, making it easier to attack them. Jean is important because she can heal and use wind powers to help Eula stay strong in battles and make her attacks even stronger. Lastly, Yun Jin is a geo character who gives Eula shields to protect her and makes her sword attacks even stronger with her special move.

This amazing team is really good at handling lots of enemies, healing, protecting, and making attacks stronger. They work perfectly with Eula and make her really strong in fights. Mika and Jean are really important in helping Eula do powerful attacks and stay alive. Yun Jin also helps Eula do more damage. When they all work together, they make a really strong and versatile group that turns Eula into a really powerful fighter.

Team roles: Eula as main DPS, Mika for healing, Jean for support/healing, and Yun Jin for additional DPS and crowd control.

2. Eula – Diona – Raiden – Zhong Li

Eula, Diona, Raiden, and Zhong Li work well together in Genshin Impact, combining their powers to maximize Eula’s unique abilities and provide great support. Eula is a cryo character who uses a big sword and deals huge physical damage. Diona, another cryo character, not only has excellent healing skills but also boosts Eula’s critical rate with cryo resonance, making her even stronger. Raiden, an electro character, perfectly complements Eula by creating powerful reactions when they work together.

By combining Eula’s cryo powers and Raiden’s electrical skills, they create a strong and continuous damaging effect, making Eula even more destructive. Additionally, Zhongli, a reliable earth character, adds strength to the team by providing shields and stability. His earth constructions act as protective barriers, keeping Eula and the team safe and allowing her to focus on delivering deadly attacks. This well-balanced team includes healing, improved critical rate, elemental reactions, and defensive abilities, resulting in an effective setup that maximizes Eula’s damage potential while ensuring her survival in tough battles.

Team roles: Eula as main DPS, Diona for healing and Cryo support, Raiden for Electro support, and Zhong Li for shielding and crowd control.

1. Eula – Mika – Rosaria – Kuki Shinobu

The team with Eula, Mika, Rosaria, and Kuki Shinobu works really well together in Genshin Impact. They combine their strengths to make Eula’s impressive physical damage even stronger. Mika buffs the physical attack and his crowd control abilities are important because they gather enemies together, making it easier to attack them. Rosaria’s cryo abilities go really well with Eula’s skills, creating powerful reactions that make their attacks even stronger. Lastly, Kuki Shinobu’s electric abilities help Eula even more by reducing enemy resistance and making her big sword attacks even more effective.

Eula becomes much stronger in this team by using crowd control, elemental reactions, and weakening the enemies. Mika’s great control over the wind, Rosaria’s expert ice support, and Kuki Shinobu’s impressive electric abilities all work together to make Eula unbeatable in battle. Because of this, there’s no doubt that she is the best in combat.

Team roles: Eula as main DPS, Mika for healing, Rosaria for Cryo support, and Kuki Shinobu for additional DPS and crowd control.

In conclusion, the release of Genshin Impact’s 3.8 update has brought many exciting possibilities for Eula and her team setups. These top five recommended formations cater to different playstyles and individual preferences. Players can choose based on what suits them best, whether it’s ease of use, combining elements, or trying unique strategies. It’s important to be open to trying new things while exploring the ever-changing world of Teyvat. This will allow Eula and her strong teammates to thrive and achieve victory in every battle they take part in.

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